Wimbach Gorge

Die Wimbachklamm in Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden ist ein Naturjuwel und ein faszinierendes Ausflugsziel für Naturliebhaber und Wanderfreunde. Diese spektakuläre Schlucht bietet eine atemberaubende Kulisse aus steilen Felswänden, rauschenden Wasserfällen und üppiger Vegetation. Ein Spaziergang entlang des gut ausgebauten Wanderwegs ermöglicht es dir, die Schönheit und die Kraft der Natur hautnah zu erleben. Bevor ich dir meine persönlichen Eindrücke vorstelle, habe hier noch drei besondere Tipps für dich.

Das Wimbachtal ist ein Highlight direkt oberhalb der Wimbachklamm und bietet eine wunderschöne alpine Landschaft mit klaren Bergbächen und imposanten Gipfeln. Das Tal ist ein Paradies für Wanderer und Naturliebhaber und bietet eine Vielzahl von Wanderwegen, die durch unberührte Natur führen. Das Wimbachtal ist eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, die Schönheit der Berchtesgadener Alpen in vollen Zügen zu genießen. –> Wimbachtal

Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden ist ein malerisches Dorf, das für seine idyllische Lage und seine traditionelle bayerische Architektur bekannt ist. Umgeben von den majestätischen Gipfeln der Berchtesgadener Alpen bietet Ramsau eine Vielzahl von Freizeitmöglichkeiten. Ein Spaziergang durch das Dorf führt dich vorbei an gemütlichen Bauernhöfen, traditionellen Gasthäusern und der beeindruckenden Barockkirche St. Sebastian. –> Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden

Die Archenkanzel ist ein beliebter Aussichtspunkt oberhalb des Königssees, von dem aus du einen spektakulären Blick auf den türkisblauen See und die umliegenden Berge hast. Der Weg zur Archenkanzel führt durch dichte Wälder und belohnt dich mit einer der schönsten Aussichten in der Region. Besonders zum Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang ist die Stimmung am Archenkanzel magisch und unvergesslich. –> Aussichtspunkt Archenkanzel

Bevor du deine Reise in die Wimbachklamm antrittst, empfehle ich dir meine persönlichen Erfahrungen zu lesen, damit du das Beste aus deinem Ausflug herausholen kannst. Du kannst diese Geheimtipps gerne mit deinen Freunden teilen. Ein Klick am Ende dieses Beitrags genügt, um den Beitrag kostenlos über WhatsApp, E-Mail oder Facebook zu teilen.

Nun wünsche ich dir eine unvergessliche Zeit im Berchtesgadener Land!

Markus Schmidt

5/5 - (5 votes)
The Wimbach Gorge in Bavaria, close to Berchtesgaden
The Wimbach Gorge in Bavaria, close to Berchtesgaden
Wimbach Gorge hiking - you have to pass some steps
Wimbach Gorge hiking – you have to pass some steps
I show you the Wimbach Gorge
I show you the Wimbach Gorge
Hiking after the Wimbach Gorge through the valley
Hiking after the Wimbach Gorge through the valley

The Wimbach Gorge

The Wimbach Gorge is located in the small town of Ramsau near Berchtesgaden. The hiking trail through the Wimbach Gorge is only about 200 meters long, making it the shortest gorge in Bavaria that requires an admission fee. In addition to the short length of the gorge, the many tributaries are something special. Along the gorge, the water comes not only from the Wimbach, but also from numerous small streams. They flow spectacularly over the meter-high rock walls. Nowhere else have we experienced so many tributaries in such a small area during a gorge hike. If you look at the eastern rock wall from the side, you get the impression that it is a single meter-long waterfall. In reality, however, there are many small individual streams that flow downstream along the rocks. A true natural spectacle.

This was not always the case. Until 1843, the Wimbach Gorge was only accessible to the workers of the Trift. They used the power of the water to transport wood from the mountains. The wood from the Wimbach Valley was needed for salt production. With a large rush of water, the trees were washed through the gorge. As some of the logs kept getting stuck, the workers had to climb into the gorge and remove the blockages. With the end of the timber rafting, the current tourist trail was opened in 1847. Thus, the gorge in Ramsau was accessible to visitors much earlier than the Partnach Gorge and the Liechtenstein Gorge. Since the opening, the Wimbach Gorge has been a tourist attraction. Secured with railings, the trail leads through the gorge over footbridges and stairs. Only one bridge has been built, which serves no functional purpose but solely provides a view. From the bridge, you can see the Wimbach Gorge from a different perspective. As a geotope, the Wimbach Gorge is under special protection.

Hiking in Wimbach Gorge

You can experience the geotope on a hike. The easy tour starts on the outskirts of Ramsau. It first goes a bit along the paved road up into the Wimbachtal. The wild gorge is right at the entrance to the valley. The hiking trail begins at the end of the tarred road. At first it is wide. At the beginning of the gorge it narrows to a hiking trail. Many tourists do the Wimbachklamm hike because it is a very easy hike in the middle of the mountains. Behind the gorge entrance with the turnstile it goes into the rocky gorge. Here you will experience the most beautiful part of the gorge hike at around 200 meters before you return to the starting point on the circular path outside the gorge. Here we have described the tour in detail:
–> Wimbachklamm hike

Wimbachklamm car park Wimbachbrücke

The central starting point for visiting the Wimbachklamm is the large car park at the Wimbach Bridge . You come here by car or public bus. From Berchtesgaden it is about 7 kilometers to the Wimbachbrücke car park. If you are staying in a holiday apartment, guesthouse or hotel in Ramsau, it is worth walking or cycling. So you save yourself the expensive parking fees . In addition, on nice days the large parking lot is sometimes full and you would have to wait until you get a free space. All information for your arrival and our tips for parking can be found here:
-> Wimbachbrücke car park

How much does the Wimbachklamm entry cost & what are the opening hours?

We were surprised that there is an entrance fee in the Wimbachklamm. For the fact that the gorge is only 200 meters long, you don’t have to charge an entrance fee. At least that’s what we think. Two other gorges in the area are over 2 kilometers long and are free. Do you want to know which gorge these are and what it looks like there? See the info box below this section. There I will show you which free alternatives you can use. Before that I have the link to the prices of the Wimbachklamm and the opening times. You should definitely pay attention to them so that you don’t arrive in vain and stand in front of closed doors. You can’t get in outside of the official opening hours. You can read all the details about admission and the opening hours in the following article:
–> Wimbachklamm opening times

The most frequently asked questions about the Wimbach Gorge

How difficult is the hike through the Wimbachklamm?

It is a technically easy hike. The way to the gorge runs on a tar road or a gravel path. Follow the wooden path through the gorge. 
Here you should definitely wear hiking shoes and be careful when it is wet. It can be slippery. After the gorge, the circular route goes uphill and downhill back to the starting point.

Do I need hiking shoes?

Yes absolutely! Even if this hike is not particularly technically demanding – you are out in nature. Hiking shoes with a good profile make sense because you will be hiking on rough gravel paths. Here you have a better step with a hiking sole. In addition, it is damp and wet in some places in the gorge itself. It can be slippery there. Hiking shoes can keep you from slipping here. 
In our opinion, mid-height hiking boots are sufficient. However, you can also wear hiking boots that reach over the ankles.

Where is the best place to start the trip to the Wimbachklamm?

The best starting point is the Wimbach Bridge. This is a district on the outskirts of Ramsau near Berchtesgaden. You can reach it by car or public bus. From here hiking signs show the way.

How long does it take for the Wimbachklamm hike?

Calculate a total of around an hour to visit the gorge in Ramsau. The ascent from the Wimbachbrücke car park to the beginning of the gorge takes about 20 minutes. 15 minutes is enough for a leisurely visit to the Wimbachklamm including photos. The way back from the end of the gorge to the starting point takes about 15 minutes as a circular hike.

Is the Wimbachklamm possible with children?

Yes, the gorge is a suitable hike with children. We’ve hiked here ourselves on family vacations. Due to the technically not demanding hike, even children of kindergarten age can do it. The path through the gorge is not possible with prams. 
You can’t get through because of the steps. But you could hike to the entrance to the gorge with a pram and carry the child the short distance of 200 meters or let yourself walk a bit.

Wimbach Gorge with a dog?

Yes, it is generally allowed to hike through the Wimbachklamm with dogs. 
However, there is a leash obligation – even before the gorge. 
In the area between the Wimbachbrücke car park and the gorge there are meadows where sheep graze. 
Therefore, there is also a leash obligation here. 
There is no entrance fee for the dog. 
He can enter the Wimbachklamm through the dog slit next to the rotating grate at the bottom right. 
Make sure that the leash is short in the gorge so that other visitors are not harassed by your dog.

Can you go back and forth through the gorge in Ramsau?

Entry into the Wimbachklamm is controlled by a turnstile at the entrance to the gorge. At the end of the gorge is another turnstile. 
While the lower turnstile works as an entrance and exit, you can only get out of the gorge at the upper turnstile. In this respect you can go back and forth in the gorge as long as you do not leave the area at the upper turnstile. You can walk back and forth within the turnstiles as often as you like. But note when going back: Some places are narrow and during the main visiting period a relatively large number of visitors come up from below.

Can you swim in the Wimbachklamm?

No, that is definitely not possible. 
You can’t get down to the water from the secured hiking trail. 
And even if: The mountain stream sometimes has a torrential current. 
It would be too dangerous to step into the water here. 
If you want to feel the clear mountain water with your feet, you can do that above the gorge in the Wimbachtal. 
In some places the current is not so strong and you can easily get to the water.

Is there a place to stop for refreshments in the gorge?

No, you cannot stop off in the Wimbachklamm. There is neither an inn nor a hut. Our hint: Take something to eat and drink with you in your backpack. Above the gorge you can sit by the water and have a picnic. You will quickly find a nice spot in the gravel bed. So you can enjoy the food you brought with you and let the wonderful mountain world work its magic on you. Please remember to take your rubbish with you. This way, visitors after you (or you next year?) can also experience nature in all its beauty.

Wimbachklamm or Almbachklamm – which is better?

The biggest difference between the two brackets is the length. While the rock gorge in the Wimbachklamm is only around 200 meters long, it is around 3 kilometers in the Almbachklamm. Accordingly, the hike in the Almbachklamm takes longer. 
But the experience of nature is correspondingly larger than in the Wimbachklamm.

Who can help me in the gorge?

There is no staff in the gorge. If you have any questions, you should clarify them beforehand. So read this website carefully. 
After reading all the posts, all relevant things should be clear. If you have any questions, please write an email. Maybe we can help.

The town of Ramsau near Berchtesgaden

Ramsau near Berchtesgaden - discover the picturesque squares and special sights
Ramsau near Berchtesgaden – discover the picturesque squares and special sights

The Wimbachklamm is one of the main attractions in Ramsau near Berchtesgaden – but not the only one. Ramsau is a small and at the same time picturesque place in the Berchtesgadener Land. The church of St. Sebastian is in the center of the village. It is one of the most famous photo motifs in the Alps. The onion dome on the Ramsauer Ache is towered over by the mighty mountains. This has already attracted many painters and artists. Today, most visitors come here to snap this famous picture with their cell phone or photo. Here I will show you where this photo point is and which other Ramsau sights you should not miss:
-> Ramsau near Berchtesgaden

The Hintersee

Hintersee Ramsau - just a few kilometers from the Wimbachklamm
Hintersee Ramsau – just a few kilometers from the Wimbachklamm

After the Wimbachklamm, the Hintersee is the second extraordinary natural jewel in Ramsau that is visited by many people. In the rock depression behind the HochkalterThe crystal-clear mountain water has a unique effect thanks to the protected mountain landscape. The so-called magic forest at the Hintersee is a magical place. It is not for nothing that the Hintersee area is one of the 100 most beautiful geotopes in Bavaria. An easy hiking trail leads around the entire lake. You can experience it in about an hour. The Hintersee hike in Ramsau is popular with hikers of all ages. It is only a few kilometers away from the Wimbachklamm. Since the gorge hike doesn’t take that long, you can even visit both highlights in a single day. But actually, the two beauties are far too good to just stop by for a moment. Convince yourself:
-> Hintersee Ramsau